This is a whiny post. Feel free to ignore me.
My body is letting me down recently. Maybe I have let my body down. Either is possible, I guess. While much of the last six months or so has been pure NYC-infused joy for me, I have also been dealing...
View ArticleJust my luck
It was time to be measured. Or rather, to have my tumor measured. Just a routine MRI albeit one with contrast (ew). “Headphones with music or earplugs?” Carlos the tech asked. “Headphones today, I...
View ArticleTreat yo self weekend
My Friday started with an MRI. (You’re probably wondering “how does that qualify as a treat?” Just trust me.) After I got my head examined, I had to run some other personal errands so I took the day...
View ArticleRenting my brain to science
Candle Paper Sugar Sandwich Wagon It’s the third time the neurologist has said the list aloud, asking me to repeat the words back to him. I get three words right the first two times and on the third, I...
View ArticleI am not responsible for these words falling out of my mouth
“How’s your summer going? I haven’t seen you much,” said the friendly IT guy at work. “Well my dad died after a long hospitalization that had me making lots of trips to his hospital in Philly,” I...
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